Leach is a Professor at California State University, Northridge
where he has taught since 1969.
Mr. Leach's concerns for homeowners living in areas subject to
the potentially devastating destruction of earthquakes led him to
research and write Earthquake
Prepared. The easy-to-read text, accompanied by attractive artwork
both tells and shows the reader how to proceed with the task of
securing his home and protecting his family. Endorsed by a number
of experts in a variety of fields related to earthquake preparedness,
Earthquake Prepared has become the source for homeowners
and businessmen who want to prepare for rather than react to the
devastation of a major earthquake.
Joel Leach has become a powerful voice on the subject of earthquake
preparedness for homeowners. His relaxed style and sense of humor
make him an easy and interesting broadcast interview and have positioned
him as a much sought-after public speaker on this topic of vital
interest to virtually all Californians.
In addition to Earthquake Prepared, Mr. Leach has authored
four textbooks and hundreds of magazine articles. His multiplicities
of interests have made him a valuable commodity as a teacher, consultant,
publisher, producer and a practicing Expert Witness. In demand internationally,
he has lectured in Australia, Japan, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, and